Wisdom Words..

Never Let The Fear Of Striking Out Keeping You From Playing the Game.
When Life Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going..So Plan Well.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Today had been very tired and stressful....

I am a type of person yg xsuka fikir2 pasal bnda yg stress me out..like work! That's why i always seem to got time to 'befoya2'....

I am easily stress out by anything...

So today..i was stressed-out by assignments and an email my supervisor just sent me bout our progress report. Why now..?? In d middle of hectic days with assignment..???huhu..


Assignment...urrgghh..i never been so stress like this before. Maybe because back then i had sumone who helped a lot..hmm..

I almost skipped Mandarin class to finish my Lab report..tomoro need to be submitted. DUH! 60% jak dah siap ya huhu...pastok smbg gik la..makan lok. Tdk mtk tlg dr seseorg ya..ny madah CANNOT LA!....HAMPEH!!
(mun aku org mtk tlg, gne2 pun situasinya, aku tlg juak daripada directly n xda kaber2 gik madah CANNOT ya...frankly kelak2 mun kw mtk tlg dr aku, ku tlg juak bah!!)
p/s: ain, mek brusaha anta part kmk mlm/pg lak k? gk polah lab repot tk huu...

Nasib la i x skip kelas Mandarin..because Laoshi berjaya put a smile on my face today..guess wad she made us did..?

The more we get together, together, together...hahaha! really cute.
She made us stand up and sang the song together, holding hands and did d action along.
I laughed and smiled because of laoshi today.
Xiexie nin Laoshi!
(She is a kindergarden teacher as her full time job, so yeah..hehe)

Before that, my mummy called. Thank you mummy. She always knew when i needed to hear her voice even when i did not told her so. I love u sooo much mummy!

Emm, recently my coursemate died. Reminded me of how short life may be. and all the sins i had done. 

I tried to be better now. I tried to be nice to everyone, but if not enuf, well i am just a human being anyway. cannot satisfy everyone.

 I'll tried to answer everytime my friends call and need me...i'll try my best to be there and not saying 'no' because i believe, everytime they call me, they need me..if not, they wouldn't be calling. Walaupun ny just mdh "..saja mk kaka2..." i knw they need company.so i'l be there.
(no matter how busy or malas i am dat time..i'l try to be there..kecualilah mun aku dh sgt2 sakit ya..paham2 la oww...)

I'll try not to leave any of my friends when the climb gets tough n no matter how difficult they are to be with. 
(..because friends stick around, through thick n thin)

I'll try to make the best out of everything because i believe, its not the best materials that u need in order to achieve greatness n success, but by making the best of wad u got....then u'll get the gold n diamonds.
(because not everyone is blessed with such talent, some need to create it...)

I will try to be a better Christians, in my words, my thoughts, and my actions. 

God, please give me strength. Amen.


< I lost my pencil case...>

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