Wisdom Words..

Never Let The Fear Of Striking Out Keeping You From Playing the Game.
When Life Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going..So Plan Well.

Friday, April 30, 2010

my 2nd entry...d emo one...

i feel like crying today....dr bgn tdo tdk smp nektok.lom trubat hati ini duhal....xtauk la pahal i fil so0 sad n lonely inside..maybe bcuse me not knowing mok balit cne nex wik coz umah xda org...but i made up my mind, ill go balik kpg la....nways...tdk kua bjalan2 kayo2 d jalanraya ngn miza ct n tni...then kt satok da motosikal ya dgn selambany mk lalu pan kreta ku yg tgh bergerak ya...tiba2 ny swing pan aku mk msok simpang...nsb kakiku ini koat nekan break smp bebunyi taya huhu..cian kancilku...nsb jwak xda org laju kt blakang mun ndak tek dh berlakuny eksiden!huu....Thanks God..ur always g0od to me, i know ^^.....emmm...i just posted kat fb just now..dunia ini makin pelik d mata saya...yala...macam2 bnda pelik menimpa org2 d sekeliling n aku jwak la...is the World reallly is coming to an end? emm...redha n tawakal jak kita...da gk ku rasa adakah akan berbaloi ku stdy dig ku nktok....masa depan ku xcrah pun ku tgga....ku asa mk run away and do smthng yg best!yg aku suka n really good at!isnt dat wad a good job is all about?interest? i love biology...but i dun really so into biotech...but i still can survive it laaa......tapi.....maybe i can do cooking? open my own bridal shop or restaurant or anything i can put my creativity on huhuhu...im not dat talented but if i like doing it y not kan? i just....maybe im used of being told to follow the skema path...abis spm, masok matric, masok u, keja.....dats d skema path...but will i be happy? emm.....d more i write d more im confused with my life....so i better stop here...sorry for the mess i made here..hopefully ill be better soon~~~