Wisdom Words..

Never Let The Fear Of Striking Out Keeping You From Playing the Game.
When Life Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going..So Plan Well.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Sunday Entry..

Hey frens ^^. It's Sunday already, meaning my resting time for a free from any work weekend is over huuhu..tomorrow gotta go to lab to do my lab work..sound boring isn't it? Yeah it is...I do envy Miza cause she'll be doing her project in the meseum..can walk2 around there lorr...dekat gik ngn indiastreet hehe...but work is work..do it, swallow it, live with it...my supervisor said my work will just take 1 1/2 month, so I hope it will be done as he said.emm...actually i just got this brodben from my brother, he'd been using it since evening..it's my turn *madah tek mk carik journal, tp ended up here n fb haisshh..* 

Aduii....malas aiee mok masok lab..ceyesly malas..gk asa kepak pas exam, lom ckup rehat..mok cuti gik smggu pat x? boleh jak mun ku mok tgga FYP ku d hujong tandok huhu...i kinda screwed up 2 of my papers for my final exam last thursday n friday, so0o0o0 i gotta do my best for my fyp huhu...oh ya, bercerita pasal exam..haisshhh! gila nak exam Field techniques(F.T) ngn Food biotech(F.B) ya! F.T ng ku dh jangka wak la ny susah..tapi F.B......(T.T) i thought F.T is the hardest n hoping to score for F.B, but after seeing the questions, there are 10 essays! in only 2 hours! and the worst part is, all the questions require very critical thinking and some of them are not even in the lecture notes! I dunno why they set the questions like that..during class maybe he had mentioned bout all that stuff, but since he's a mexican, I find it hard to really listen to him n understand what he said...no offence, but i really do huhu~~~ To make things clear here, i'm not blaming him for the hard questions, maybe we are the one who should really read out of the box, yeah we learnt our lesson this time. During the exam, since the questions are really difficult, I thought I miss reading any lecture notes & I'm even thinking bout setting up a drama like fainting or have a nervous breakdown so that i can delay my exam....seriously i thought bout doing that..because i fear of failing it! If i fail, surely I'll have to extend my study and not be able to grad on-time!huuuuuuuu..Hope I'll pass, Oh God, please be good to me.Amen!

Emm...yesterday i went to my aunt's wedding. The only things i like there are were her evening dress and her shoes! OMG!!!her shoes are breath-taking! The ceremony was..so-so la..sederhana sahajo...but the food is was quite bad...how bad? emm, like my daddy said, "tukang masak nya cam merajuk jak masak, ayam diancor2 nya"..banyak gik komen ku, tapi....it's the Holy Matrimony that's more important than the receiption dinner after all...When they slow-dance with each other, i forgot about all my complaints n enjoyed the moment of seeing two wonderful people, united by God in A Holy Matrimony *and i felt like crying..terharu..* For my wedding someday, I'll have my slow-dance to the most wonderful love song ever made..not telling u wad it will be, wait n see (^.^)


Bah..yajak la..mk encarik journal lok..my method for my lab work is not strong enough..Goodnite!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


As i read the posts in this blog, i realised there are a lot of grammar mistakes! My english really is rusting i guess huuhuu...so pardon me for my grammar. I'll improve it with time okay?

Suddenly i miss this movie..Monster Inc. Cute!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's Crazy..

Bioinfomatics..that will be my exam for tomorrow *sigh*...i haven't done with revision and once i'm done also i'm not sure i'll be able to answer the questions or not huhuhuhu....Oh God, help me not to fail. Amen! This is the subject I really3 dun know how to master n understand. Virology last semester is better than this! This is like TMX+Molecular Biology..(TMX: computational subject we have to take during our 1st year)..Well, better proceed with revision now before it's too late! Bak kata Tini, Selagik blom exam, selagik ya boleh blaja! chaiyok2!!

aaggcctggttggccgggttggaaattttcgcggtatatgggtaaaacccc (i'll be writting this letters tomorrow..a lot of them! wonder if i can just practice writting the letters n that's enough haha!)






Read it! Love it! 
Bioinfomatics make me..

Monday, November 22, 2010

5 hours out..

Let's Go To D Mall Everybody!~

Yeah, today i went to d mall..again. Since I went to D'Spring like all the time, i found myself recognizing some of d people who works there, as if i am too is working there..hmm..interesting fact i learned today. But before i was at the mall, we actually (siti, miza & me) went for a very late n early dinner (ya, nowadays we only ate once per day ^^) at Planet Sambal. Siti ordered for nasi lemak ayam goreng, miza: mihun goreng cina n me: nasi goreng tom yam. It was delicious n satisfying la since d place was very nice, fancy n d price was reasonable enough for us. While waiting for the food to come, we as usual did our made-up stories bout the waiter who took our order n laugh bout it..FYI, we always did dat..berangan kata org..or the way we say it, molah cerita n often, d fantasy stories will have no ending, just keep n keep on going!..we did it best with our guards here in our Uni.. dah boleh polah kompilasi cerita guards..ney ndak nya dr 1st yer gik. I dunno y we always did dat, it's fun though ^^ (mekorg xla nganok org, just molah crita jak, tp x fitnah k...d story stop there n never will be continued!)

After fulling our stomach, we went to d mall..I seriously never get bored with it. Plus, now it has Xmas trees with colorful balls n lites! Love it!!!! Oh2..i almost forgot to tell u dat yesterday i bought darlie toothpaste which cost only RM 1! It's a trial pack la, but worth it! It's not too small, worth buying! I realised dat buying small packaged things are actually berbaloi2 haha! Before this i tend to buy things in big packages, assuming that it'll cut the cost n i can use them for longer time n save up money. It works for certain things la, like bathroom stuff, creams n lotions but not for food. I always buy food in big packages but not be able to consume them all, so ending up throwing them away, best example: Biscuits n Snacks. By buying them in small packages, actually benefit me with various items with lower costs! Now i can get different kinds of food, costs lowered! Just now i bought mineral water, teh bunga kotak, pringles, oreo n bun for less than RM 10! Berbaloi2! 

Back to the title, we were at d mall from 6.45 pm til 9.47 pm. Wad we did there? Well we just wandered around, buy some ice-creams  n ate them while sitting in-front of MPH..while eating sempat komen advertisment board rah atas kede ya...then we spent almost an hour in MPH. Miza found novel which cost only RM9.90!..The collin collections: The Scarlett Letter, Sherlock Holmes, Persuassion, Little Woman, Alice in Wonderland n etc....U shud go n check-it-out if u want a cheap story book. I almost bought The Scarlett Letter, but...ngenang duit yg limited, xjadi. But next time, I'll get one  coz recently i found myself looking for something to read before bed..baca nota kuliah? I'll have nitemares....

Okay, dats all of it. See u Next time u'oll!

This is my recent addiction......

Love Sheldon!!!

...and the shy Raj ^^

He's soo cute!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Aku Rajin!

Jgn tetipu ngn title..aku malas sebenanya...huhuhu....next wik ku da 3 paper stret 24,25,26 huhu :(( tp nak ku lom stadi papa...notes gik lom ku flip2..ada gik nak lom d print ku..trok li jak awak tok haaiiee!!!!bahbeng! da less den 5 ari gik exam huhu...malasssss...mala sa mk tdo jak2..makan tdo makan tdo..obess!

owh..marek ku tgga deathly hallows..BEST! though ny agak seloww la..kdg2 asa cam ngga twilite juak..seloowww haha! tp sebab ku ng pminat setia dr kecik, ku xasa nya boring..best!sa mk g ngga agik...cta harry potter ng xpat mk tgga skali jka..plu tgga 2 3 kali bok paham bena haha!aokla2..aku seloww bah..study pun seloww..tgga muvi pun seloww...kurak2 la aku..

ku ngah boring tok sebenanya...dr tdk madah mk print nota..tp xjuak polah2...ngga dak baju gik lom besesah..haisshh! xda semengat naaaa juak eyh...lapa aie.lom makan gik dr tdk..menum pun lom...tandus bah bilit ku tok xda makanan n aek...kaktok la trun kede g bli..dah jak duit lam dompet tggal 10 ringgit jak gik..huuu...bli karipap ngn kueh lain, campo aek mineral sebotol ngn kuew tiaw goreng tapau cgek..ckup la ya kot hihi..bongan juga...lapa bah aiee! Ha! stat la aku bermonolog ngn dirik mpun..sot!

owh...aritok ku berpike..dolok nak i used to a highly motivated person tauk x?..aku motivate diri sendiri..nektok aku dh berubah..ntahla apa jadi dgn diri..semakin hari semakin lembik..maka tek udah dewasa..hhmmmm.....

totally unrelated..

Gamba tok comel aiee..


...n tok lucu haha!soo innocent..

bah...bye for now.
tauk ku gamba ya streched bagei apa jak..ku malas mok ngatonya...
kerna...aku malas!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Between the Clouds..there will be...

It used to be beautiful
It used to be wonderful
Now it's tearful

Through the glass
It keeps on 
Carry on
Distance kept
Silence made

The square
The words
It stays
Ant lame
Butterfly fantastic

It's from an old movie

~ i seriously dunno wads dat all about haha! ~

Friday, November 12, 2010

The year of loss....

This year, one by one..people dat i love, people dat i know gone from my life.
Last April we lost our beloved grandfather. May your soul rest in peace abeh..
Last August, we lost our dearly close friend's father. May he rest in peace too.
Last October, we lost our lovely, happy-go-lucky coursemate, Rebekah Tiong. U will always be in our heart. Rest in peace Bekah.

And today, we lost our deary friend's mother. She's at peace now.
With sincere prayers I offer to all of them. You shall be too.
Because our prayers will help their soul in purgatory.

And also not forgetting my dear friend, Benedict Snyder who was called home by his Creator last year.

May they rest peacefully.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I feel happy when it came
I smile when it cross my mine
Then i realized..it's forbidden.

When it's far away, i don't really care
But when it pop in the square
My heart melt, i do still care
Care of the forbidden.

They don't see they way i see it
They don't care how i embrace it
Deeply deary...
They just told me it's forbidden.

And now i'm quoting Julia
'' I hate the way I don't hate u,
Not even close,
Not even a little bit,
Not even at all "

And it gave me the taste of..
The Forbidden Chocolate lava.


Friday, November 5, 2010